You can listen to entries.onSaveEntry
or entries.onDeleteEntry
events and then get or modify
the entry via $event->params['entry'];
But how would I get the entry element and its properties in the event that a user starts editing an entry in the CP? I don't (necessarily) need to modify them, simple access is ok.
As far as I can see, there's no event available for this. And if I understand correctly,
only P&T can add such an entries.onBeforeCpEditEntry
event (which would probably go into Entries Controller actionEditEntry
If you do entry edits using front-end forms this is easy, but not so from within the CP it seems. Is there anything I overlooked, or is this simply not possible and maybe worth a feature request?
This question is related to this one: "How to reference the current entry element in custom Control Panel templates?" but it's not quite the same. The solutions / workarounds I posted below have some drawbacks, so I'm still looking for a better solution!