Good afternoon All,

Im trying to setup the ability for users to delete 1 or more of their own images from a multi photo asset field and have got stuck.

This is what is have so far, I assumed adding a blank value would remove the asset in question

{% set images = myAssetQuery.all() %}

{% for image in images %}
    <span><img src="{{ image.getUrl('listingthumb') }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"></span>

    <input type="checkbox" name="fields[businessStandardImages][]" value="" />

{% endfor %}

Any help would be greatfully received

1 Answer 1


Assuming you are on a front end entry form editing an entry, there are a few steps to this.

First get all assets a user can choose from:

{% set allImages = myAssetQuery.all() %}

Next, get the ids of already chosen assets:

{% set alreadyChosenImages = entry.businessStandardImages.ids() %}

Loop over all images, check the ones already selected:

{% for image in allImages %}
    <label>{{ image.title }}
        {{ input(
            { checked: image.id in alreadyChosenImages }
        ) }}
{% endfor %}


{# Get all possible assets #}
{% set allImages = myAssetQuery.all() %}

{# Get the currently related asset IDs #}
{% set alreadyChosenImages = entry is defined
    ? entry.businessStandardImages.ids()
    : [] %}

{# Loop over images and check any already selected ones #}
{% for image in allImages %}
    <label>{{ image.title }}
        {{ input(
            { checked: image.id in alreadyChosenImages }
        ) }}
{% endfor %}

There is also a complete example in the documentation.

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