By base.html:
{% block searchLogic %}
{% endblock %}
{% block meetingDisplay %}
{% endblock %}
My index.html:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block searchLogic %}
{% include 'logic/anonVisitor.logic' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block meetingDisplay %}
Some html code
{% for meeting in meetings %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
My anonVisitor.logic file:
{# More code that works, I just removed it for clarity #}
{% set meetings = craft.entries.section('meetings').address(params).limit(25).order('distance').find() %}
I try to use the variable meetings in the block "meetingDisplay" in the index.html file. For some reason the variable "meetings" is no longer available.
I am trying to seperate my logic blocks and my html blocks into separate files for manageability and reuse.
All this logic worked before I broke the code and html using the extends and includes.
Is there a way to make variables set in an include be available in a block?