I'm getting alarmed by the size of the database backups and the database in general. The site has Craft Commerce installed, which contributes I think, but if you look at the following list of backups there seems to have been a sharp increase in database size that has nothing to do with Craft Commerce (which has been installed since July).
Does anyone have an tips or articles to share about getting control of this? I feel it's getting ridiculous but that it has probably happened since we went live on October 17.
Looking at the database tables, there are definitely several tables that seem to larger than they should be:
- craft_searchindex 31MiB
- craft_commerce_orders 30MiB
- craft_elements_i18n 20MiB
- craft_content 15MiB craft_elements 13MiB
- craft_commerce_customers 8MiB
- craft_entryversions 3MiB
- craft_deprecationerrors 1.5MiB
I'm wondering if there is a spam issue here. Could that be it?