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Functions, filters, objects, macros and statements – when to use which
A function is one of the simplest constructs in Twig – it takes one or more inputs and returns a single output:
{{ round(42.9) }} will output 43
These are best used for simple, commonly used operations that generate or transform data, such as a Lorem-Ipsum generator: {{ loremIpsum(50) }}
. But note that functions are often better grouped into an object to prevent name collisions (see below).
A filter is almost identical to a function, except that it offers a different syntax, which can be more readable when chaining several filters together (they read in progressive order):
{{ 1000000 | number }} will output 1,000,000
{{ 1000000 | number(false) }} will output 1000000
{{ 'ABC' | lower | replace('c', 'd') }} will output abd
It also provides an easy way to wrap around a larger block of text:
{% filter upper %}
This text becomes uppercase
{% endfilter %}
Note that you can also do this with a function, but it requires an additional line:
{% set myText %}
A quick brown fox
{% endset %}
{{ filterCurseWords(myText) }}
Use a filter when:
- It might be necessary to place it in a chain along with other filters
- It might be necessary to place around larger blocks of text/content
A global variable is one accessible to all templates in your project automatically:
<h1>{{ siteName }}</h1>
A global object is also accessible to all templates in your project, but can contain variables, functions or both:
{{ currentUser.friendlyName }}
{{ currentUser.can('accessCp') }}
Objects provide a good way to neatly group variables and functions and prevent collisions.
A Twig statement (sometimes called a "logic tag") is used to designate the flow of logic and may only execute the content inside based on certain circumstances.
{% cache %}
{% for block in entry.myMatrixField %}
<p>{{ block.text }}</p>
{% endfor %}
{% endcache %}
Note that caching would not work as a filter, because the content inside a filter is always executed prior to being passed into the filter. By implementing the cache tag as a statement, it is able to only execute the content inside when appropriate.
Finally, it's worth mentioning macros. They assist with reusing snippets of content or HTML in multiple places. Mijingo has written a great tutorial that explains macros in Craft.
{% import "forms.html" as forms %}
{{ forms.input('username') }}
Note, however, that the functionality of macros can sometimes be replicated via a simple include, with less code and more clarity:
{% include 'mySnippet' with { enabled: true } %}
Creating a custom Twig filter
{{ myVariable | myFilter }}
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Accessing a plugin's variables and functions
{{ craft.myPlugin.myVariable }}
{{ craft.myPlugin.myFunction() }}
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Creating a custom global function
{{ customFunction() }}
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Creating a custom global object
{{ browser.version }}
{{ browser.isMobile() }}
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Creating a custom statement (logic tag)
{% devOnly %}
...output some debugging info here...
{% endDevOnly %}
Refer to
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Be aware that sometimes the functionality can be achieved by creating a filter instead of a statement:
{% filter uppercase %}
A quick brown fox
{% endfilter %}
However the benefit of a statement is that the code inside is not run unless the statement permits it, whereas in a filter the code is always run, and then later sent to the filter.
Creating a custom operator
{{ ! true }}
Refer to
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Calling a plugin service class from Twig
Under normal circumstances, Twig templates only have access to a plugins Variable Classes and not their Service Classes. But using a simple PHP trick, you can pass all calls on transparently:
Twig > Variable Class > Service Class
// craft/plugins/YourPlugin/variables/YourPluginVariable.php
class YourPluginVariable
* If function is not found in this class, go find it in service class
function __call($method, $arguments) {
return call_user_func_array(array(craft()->YourPlugin_YourService, $method), $arguments);
Be sure to rename YourPlugin
and YourService
to reflect the names of your plugin and service class.
Making custom database calls from Twig
{{ craft.myPlugin.fetchUserCount() }}
Firstly this requires a custom plugin.
In Craft, database calls need to be made via a service class, however because you can only access variable classes from Twig, you need to pass one to the other. (See the point above for a clean way to transparently pass calls from a variable class to a service class.)
Twig > Variable Class > Service Class > Database Query
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Post-processing HTML after Twig has finished rendering
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Changing Twig settings
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