I have a record for an entity my plugin needs and that may be related to many Entries, so I have a pivot table, much like Craft's usergroups_user table.
I'm creating and updating my table fine and I'm not looking at my pivot table. I notice the the user group approach is to delete any entries before creating new ones:
public function assignUserToGroups($userId, $groupIds = null)
->delete('usergroups_users', array('userId' => $userId));
if ($groupIds)
if (!is_array($groupIds))
$groupIds = array($groupIds);
foreach ($groupIds as $groupId)
$values[] = array($groupId, $userId);
craft()->db->createCommand()->insertAll('usergroups_users', array('groupId', 'userId'), $values);
return true;
I take it this is the best way to handle pivot tables and there is no 'sync' functionality similar to that found on Laravel's Eloquent class http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-relationships?