As best I can tell, the 'mockBuilder' function is exactly what I want, and based on other examples, should work.

Am I missing something? How can I stub out the global craft() object?

under test:


namespace Craft;

class JobsVariable

     // Grab all Jobss
     public function jobs()
            return craft();

test file:


    namespace Craft;

    require_once 'www/craftcms/plugins/jobs/variables/JobsVariable.php';

    class JobsVariableTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

        public function testJobs()

            $craft = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Craft')


            $jobs = new \Craft\JobsVariable();
            $this->assertEquals('xxx', $jobs->jobs());



PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function Craft\craft()
  • This is a rather extensive self-conversation @nullsteph! Would you kindly accept whichever of your answers you feel is best?
    – Matt Stein
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 23:57

2 Answers 2


Whew...this seems to do the trick! Hopefully this is an appropriate way to handle things.

I created a new Craft class file in the 'tests' dir. There I can stub out any \Craft\craft() methods the class under test depends on.

stub class \tests\Craft


class Craft {

    public function __construct()

    public function jobs()
        return 'xxx';
    public function getJobs()
        return 'xxx';

    public function craft()
        return $this;

in the test class


namespace Craft;

require_once '/www/craftcms/plugins/jobs/variables/JobsVariable.php';
require_once '/www/craftcms/tests/Craft.php';

class JobsVariableTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

    public function testJobs()
        $jobs = new \Craft\JobsVariable();
        $this->assertEquals('xxx', $jobs->jobs());

function craft()
    return new \Craft;

allows me to test this function...

public function jobs()
    return craft()->jobs();

...and because the actual test method to get mocked looks like this: craft()->jobs->getJobs()

I can mock this up by adding a class to my stubbed out \test\Craft class;


class Craft {

    public $jobs;

    public function __construct()
        $this->jobs = new Jobs;

class Jobs{

    public function __construct(){
        var_dump('new jobs');

    public function getJobs(){
        return 'xxx';

Now I can return dummy test data ('xxx'), instead of letting the code make network requests for real data.

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