So my 1. file is "_overview-topicTeaser.twig" which is within a matrix:

{% include 'modules/module-squareteaser/_module-squareteaser' with {
  squareTeasers: block.topicTeaserItems.all(),
  squareteaserHeadline: block.topicTeaserItems.one().entryTopicHeadline
} %}

And my 2. file is "_module-squareteaser.twig":

    <div class="squareteaser__wrapper _parent-3-child">
      {% for item in squareTeasers %}

        {% include 'modules/module-squareteaser/_module-squareteaser-item' with {
          headline: squareteaserHeadline
        } %}

      {% endfor %}

So i am looping in the 2. file the file "_module-squareteaser-item.twg" and want to put out the "squareteaserHeadline" in the frontend. But it always gives me the same headline from my first teaser in the loop, makes sense to me cause i am using the "one()" when i include the variable "squareteaserHeadline" in the first file. But if i delete the "one()" i get nothing... so how do i get all teasers whith their own headline?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Can't you fetch all the blocks with block.topicTeaserItems.all()

{% include 'modules/module-squareteaser/_module-squareteaser' with {
  squareTeasers: block.topicTeaserItems.all()
} %}

And then you display the headlines with item.entryTopicHeadline

<div class="squareteaser__wrapper _parent-3-child">
  {% for item in squareTeasers %}
    {% include 'modules/module-squareteaser/_module-squareteaser-item' with {
      headline: item.entryTopicHeadline
    } %}
  {% endfor %}

A simplified version would look like

<div class="squareteaser__wrapper _parent-3-child">
    {% for item in block.topicTeaserItems.all() %}
        {{ item.entryTopicHeadline }}
    {% endfor %}
  • Sure i could do it with "item.entryTopicHeadline". But i am using the "_module-squareteaser.twig" for multiple includes at different places on the website. So thats why i wanna go with just "squareteaserHeadline", Thought its somehow possible. Commented May 3, 2018 at 14:30
  • You would have to create a new array of headlines by looping through all blocks in your _overview-topicTeaser.twig Commented May 3, 2018 at 14:33
  • And how i do this? :) Commented May 3, 2018 at 15:03
  • This would be a new question, but there are plenty examples how to create an array in twig. twig.symfony.com/doc/2.x/filters/merge.html Commented May 3, 2018 at 15:05

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