I'm trying to set up a Craft based site with ec2 and it won't connect with the info in db.php.
I've reinstalled the Craft files and also run all .phps through http://phpcodechecker.com to check for errors and nothing. Logs all check out to be in working order. And I've followed every step exactly with this tutorial: https://solspace.com/blog/spinning-up-a-craft-cms-development-site-on-amazon-ec2
Here's what my db.php file looks like:
return array(
// The database server name or IP address. Usually this is 'localhost' or ''.
'server' => 'localhost',
// The name of the database to select.
'database' => 'Craft',
// The database username to connect with.
'user' => 'root',
// The database password to connect with.
'password' => '*******',
// The prefix to use when naming tables. This can be no more than 5 characters.
'tablePrefix' => "‘craft'",
I also checked .htaccess files.