For Structured entries, I always have about the same folder structure.
If I could access the parent's folder name, I woudn't have to change the {% includes %} when copying a folder.
so _entry looks like this:
{% extends "_layouts/_layout" %}
{% block content %}
{% include "blog/_common" %}
{% endblock %}
and _listing looks like this:
{% set params = { section:'blog', limit: gl_config.cf_blog_limit} %}
{% paginate craft.entries(params) as entries %}
{% for entry in entries %}
{% include "blog/_common" %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "_includes/_pagination" %}
{% endpaginate %}
They look almost the same for every structure channel I use (e.g. discography, pressreleases, projects etc etc.)
If I could use {% include "PARENT_FOLDER_NAME/_common" %}
I could just duplicate the folder and don't have to worry about these templates!
btw: the _common template looks about like this:
<article class="listing_item format">
<div class="listing_heading toggle_content">
<div class="listing_heading_date">
<span class="h1">{{ entry.postDate | date("d") }}</span>
{{ entry.postDate|date("F Y") }}
<div class="listing_heading_title">
<h1>{{ entry.title }}</h1>
{% set tags = entry.cf_blog_tags %}
{% if tags | length %}
{% for tag in tags %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="listing_content">
Content Matrix text / images / files / quotes / slideshows / videos etc..
{% include "_includes/_content_blocks" %}
<p><a href="{{ entry.url() }}">Permalink</a></p>
{# Edit #}
{% include "_includes/_edit" %}