You're close!
Because an asset field can potentially contain multiple items you need to explicitly select the first one, so:
{% set video = %}
But that doesn't get the actual url of the video, to get that you need to request it:
{{ video.url() }}
So in your case:
{% set video = %}
{% if video %}
<video width="800" height="500" controls>
<source src="{{ video.url() }}" type="video/mp4">
{% endif %}
If you do find yourself needing to show multiple files, then youyou'd wrap it withwithin a loop:
{# Get all the files #}
{% set videos = %}
{# Check to see if videos has anything in it with '|length' #}
{% if videos|length %}
{% for video in videos %}
<video width="800" height="500" controls>
<source src="{{ video.url() }}" type="video/mp4">
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}