Sure it's possible. There's the type()
parameter available for ElementCriteriaModels to filter the returned results by only those entry types you need.
To separate the categories, I'd set up multiple category groups, one for each of your entry types.
For example:
{% set categoryParams = {
group: 'audioCategories',
slug: 'podcasts'
} %}
{% set category = craft.categories(categoryParams).first() %}
{% set searchTerm = 'basketball OR soccer' %}
{% set entryParams = {
section: 'news',
type: 'audio',
relatedTo: category,
search: searchTerm
} %}
{% for entry in craft.entries(entryParams) %}
<li>{{ entry.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}
This would list all theonly those entries which are
- in a sectionsection named "news"
- given an entry typeentry type (and entry template) "audio"
- related to a category from the category groupcategory group "audioCategories" (I queryadditionally filter for just a singlethe one cat. named "podcasts" to keep it simplethe example a little simpler)
- matching to the search termsearch term "basketball OR soccer"