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7 votes

Can the Lightswitch field have a default 'on' setting?

For entries previously created, the lightswitch field will not be on even if you specified that as a field option. However, new entries should respect that field setting. Are new entries not honoring ...
Selvin Ortiz's user avatar
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4 votes

Default Craft entry limit

As of Craft 3, there is no limit by default. Per the CHANGELOG: Element queries are no longer limited to 100 results by default. (Credit to Ben Croker who originally added this answer as a comment ...
Ben Parizek's user avatar
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2 votes

Change/update the default user profile photo/thumbnail folder location

In Craft 3 the place that users photos get stored in are proper Asset Volumes, meaning they can be stored in a folder on the local file system, or on S3, Google Cloud, or any other place that a plugin ...
Brad Bell's user avatar
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2 votes

Setting a default entry for the entry field

Entry fields do not natively support setting a default entry, but you can use the Globals section to achieve the same effect. Create a 'Default Call to Action Entry' field in your globals, and set ...
Jamie Wade's user avatar
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1 vote

Using values from one entry as default values in another?

First of all I would like to leave a few links for you. is a page where you can create your "starting" files. It creates an empty Plugin, with all the required files/functions with ...
Robin Schambach's user avatar
1 vote

Change/update the default user profile photo/thumbnail folder location

I am only able to speak about Craft 2x, as I am not familiar at all with how Craft 3 handles profile images. Here is where Craft 2x stores any uploaded profile image: /craft/storage/userphotos/ It ...
Damon's user avatar
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Can the Lightswitch field have a default 'on' setting?

This is the mySQL query I have used to update a lightswitch field in the database. UPDATE `table` SET `field_name` = replace(field_name,'original content', 'updated content') for example: UPDATE `...
Terry Upton's user avatar
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