The website I'm working on has different sections and each section different types of entries. I would like the types of entries to be shown in the URL. I have followed [this tutorial to do so][1]. In a site where we have: - A Section called: My Section - With Entry Types: Example Entry Type, Another Entry type. Utilizing the model from the tutorial, we could structure the URL for *My Section* as follows: /my-section/{type}/{slug} Which would give us URLs like these: -**exampleEntryType**/new-entry-1 -**exampleEntryType**/new-entry-2 -**anotherEntryType**/new-entry-3 -**anotherEntryType**/new-entry-4 Notice that the **entry types** are the only part of the URL camelCased. This is because Entry Types can only be configured to have a Name, and a Handle; and handles can NOT have dashes. This interferes with keeping URLs consistent as the rest of the site uses dashes instead of spaces The problem I am trying to solve is: how do we get the Entry Types to stay consistent with the rest of the site? Does anyone have any suggestion on how to deal with this? Is this a problem that should be addressed in Craft? Should I be taking another approach for this? I had considered using categories but the way the system is setup, entry types seem more appropriate. [1]: