I have my first craft website all working great on my local dev server and want to move it to the production server. I think I went about this the wrong way but I installed a fresh install of craft on the pro server then purchased a pro license.key. This all installed OK. This is the same root level structure as the local dev version.

I made sure both sites were upto date then copied over my database dump from dev and uploaded my templates. However this has broken the URLs (the home page loads). Have I missed something?

The production server doesn't have the domain pointing at it but can be view via the IP like so.

``    <-- though it does require the trailing lash

The odd bit is if I visit the link 


the browser address bar says 


the apache error says the requested URL is
`/home/sites/mydomain.co.uk/public_html/index.php` was not found on this server.

And curiously the /home/sites/ address is what my my local dev path is. So where is the remote product install getting this from?
