You're dealing with scope issues – both related to `for` loops and in regards to [extending templates][1] (blocks).

First, any variable set _inside_ a `for` loop will not be available outside that loop.

The solution is to declare the variable outside the loop:

    {% set homeFeature = null %}
    {% for entry in entries %}
        {% set homeFeature = %}
    {% endfor %}

    <p>The home feature's ID is {{ homeFeature }}</p>

For `{% block %}` tags, the same applies – any variable set inside a block is _not_ available outside that block. Much like with `for` loops, you can declare a variable outside a block, and it will be available inside the block. _However_, unlike with `for` loops if you change the value of that variable inside a block, [the updated variable will _not_ be available to other blocks][2] in the same template. In other words, this doesn't work:

    {% extends '_layout' %}

    {% set homeFeature = null %}

    {% block headerContent %}
        {% set homeFeature = 'foo' %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block content %}
        {{ homeFeature }} {# Still a `null` value! #}
    {% endblock %}

There are a lot of potential workarounds to your specific issue, though. 

First, since you _can_ set a variable outside the blocks, something like this would work – simply execute the `craft.entries` query for the featured entry outside the blocks, and store the result in a variable that can be accessed inside the blocks:

    {% extends '_layout' %}

    {% set homeFeature = craft.entries({
        section: 'articles',
        limit: 1,
        featuredOnHomepage: '1'
    }).first() %}

    {% block headercontent %}
        <div id="home-featured">
            {% if homeFeature %}<h1>The feature id is: {{ }}</h1>{% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block content %}
        {% set entries = craft.entries({
            section:        'articles',
            order:          'postDate',
            limit:          4,
            id: homeFeature ? 'not ' : null
        }) %}
    {% endblock %}

The drawback with the above, is that it's going to be difficult to [`{% cache %}`][3] the `craft.entries` query outside the blocks. For a single, basic query this probably doesn't matter much in the scheme of things, though.

Another approach is to simply query for the `homeFeature` entry inside each `{% block %}`. You can even make things a bit more DRY by storing the actual query parameters in a variable outside the blocks:

    {% extends '_layout' %}

    {% set homeFeatureQuery = {
        section: 'articles',
        limit: 1,
        featuredOnHomepage: '1'
    } %}

    {% block headercontent %}
        <div id="home-featured">
            {% set homeFeature = craft.entries(homeFeatureQuery).first() %}
            {% if homeFeature %}<h1>The feature id is: {{ }}</h1>{% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block content %}
        {% set homeFeature = craft.entries(homeFeatureQuery).first() %}
        {% set entries = craft.entries({
            section:        'articles',
            order:          'postDate',
            limit:          4,
            id: homeFeature ? 'not ' : null
        }) %}
    {% endblock %}
Of course, the drawback with this approach is that you need to do two separate queries – but at least everything can be cached.
