Questions tagged [user-groups]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Setting up Users to be able to only add/edit users they have set up.

I don't think this is currently possible. But maybe someone has done this already as a plugin or would I need to build one? Situation is I need to set up First level Users who would be able to set up ...
Lettie's user avatar
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permission to access users only on specific user group

I would like to ask if there is a permission to view and edit the users on specific user group? or is there any plugin to do that? example: I have user groups called "Class 1" and "...
Jeriel Jacinto's user avatar
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Assign user to group available even though not allowed? (Craft v3)

Working my way through the CMS to learn in more detail I'm currently at the users / permissions parts of the CMS. Here I just bumped into the following thing I don't understand: I have a Users Group ...
Friksel's user avatar
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Allow logged in user to change his own user group using front end form

I'd like to allow a user to change his user group via front end form. I tried passing the groupId as the destination group, but it doesn't seem to work. This is what I was passing: <input type="...
Lori's user avatar
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User account registration using Craft 3

I wanted to build a commerce website using Craft 3. And I wanted to create parent registration form so each parent will have an account to use on the site. Then after they sign in I want them to be ...
Kirubel's user avatar
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access to specific settings in production

thanks for any advice in advance. I agree with craftcms that in production mode access to setting should be off limits. With that being said in the users tab on the dashboard I have not seen anywhere ...
jbrightdev's user avatar
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Access-rights at lower granularity than section?

I would like to make a page where different groups of users would only have access to the entries created by their own group. Now I can create a group and give it access to a certain section, but ...
gromgull's user avatar
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