Questions tagged [plugin-sitemap]

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Omit specific URLs from the sitemap

I want to exclude certain URLs from the sitemap, depending on the custom field settings in their corresponding entries. I'm using SEO Matic plugin in craft4
Thangaraj Moorthi's user avatar
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Site map for assets

I'm using the sitemap.xml plugin to generate a site map. This works for entries, but doesn't seem to allow the indexing of assets (PDFs in particular). Is there a way to create a site map of an asset ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Craft sitemap 'Internal Server Error'

i am getting an 'Internal Server Error' when I go to my '' page. The plugin itself loads fine in the backend and I can change all the settings etc. Any idea why this might be ...
Malcolm Maclean's user avatar
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Google XML Sitemaps plugin

I would like to know that do we have Google XML Sitemaps plugin for Craft CMS. If yes is there an tutorial that how I can use it. I would like to use it for SEO purpose so that Google can easily crawl ...
Irfan Shah's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I create a Human readable sitemap in Craft CMS

I'm just getting started with Craft (and digging it). I've seen lots of xml sitemap plugins available already. How do I create a human readable sitemap that will be browsable from the front end and ...
Noah Learner's user avatar
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Receive all used slugs

I want to create a Excel file with all used slugs in my Craft website. I've searched for a plugin but without succes. I also tried to find a useful table in the Craft database, also without succes. ...
Mr. Sam's user avatar
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add categories to sitemap plugin through the renderSitemap hook

I'm trying to setup a sitemap using the craft-sitemap plugin, however it only covers sections by default and I need to add category groups into it, as half of the URLs are in categories. I can see ...
mention79's user avatar
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