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How to move user from one group to another with GraphQL mutation

I am using Nextjs and GraphQL API of Craft CMS. I have a subscription system in my project. I want to move users from free to subscriber group after subscription. How can I do it with GraphQL mutation....
Sazzad Hossen's user avatar
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Craft 3 / 4 CP: Restrict users to specific user groups in Users view

I need to restrict access to users (not entries) of say AdminGroupA to be able to access and manage users of UserGroupA in the Control Panel. Right now, the user AdminGroupA can browse all of the ...
biko's user avatar
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permission to access users only on specific user group

I would like to ask if there is a permission to view and edit the users on specific user group? or is there any plugin to do that? example: I have user groups called "Class 1" and "...
Jeriel Jacinto's user avatar
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Assign user to group available even though not allowed? (Craft v3)

Working my way through the CMS to learn in more detail I'm currently at the users / permissions parts of the CMS. Here I just bumped into the following thing I don't understand: I have a Users Group ...
Friksel's user avatar
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Restrict viewing front end to specific group permissions

How can I restrict content frontend to specific user groups? There seems no sensible way to do this out of the box. For example group permissions in CP are all about CP - there is no view option. ...
joomkit's user avatar
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Restricting access to user groups with Control Panel access only

I know I can restrict template output to Admins only with : {% if currentUser.admin ?? false %} …and to any logged in user with: {% if currentUser ?? false %} And I’m aware of accessCp as a ...
Jonathan Schofield's user avatar
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Revoke user permissions but not change the usergroup

I have a client who would like to edit a users permissions. However instead of adding permissions on a per user basis, they would like to remove permissions for that user by unchecking the item. ...
CreateSean's user avatar
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Restict admin user permissions to only editing users he/she has created.

I'm thinking about building an app with Craft that requires users from a specific user group (Business User Usergroup) to be able to log in on the frontend and add users from another user group (...
Gįëł Tėttëłæår's user avatar
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Entry validation not working when Publish live changes permission is not checked

when a user with no permission to publish is submitting a blank entry, the entry is saved anyway without any errors. Here is the permissions set to the user group: I have few required field as ...
pvledoux's user avatar
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Could I use categories for users instead of user groups?

I'm developing a sports league site. The roles I'm setting up are admins, coaches, and players - with myself being the "super" admin. This is my first Craft project, so right off the bat I started ...
Chase Giunta's user avatar
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Save Group Permissions

I'm trying to programmatically set group permissions. I came across the method saveGroupPermissions(). According to the documentation all you have to do is pass in the group ID and then an array of ...
Matt V's user avatar
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Access-rights at lower granularity than section?

I would like to make a page where different groups of users would only have access to the entries created by their own group. Now I can create a group and give it access to a certain section, but ...
gromgull's user avatar
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Is there a master list of user/group permissions in Craft?

Has anybody compiled (or is it be possible to extract from the system) a master list of all the various permissions one can assign in Craft?
Michael Rog's user avatar
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