Questions tagged [image-transforms]

Craft's native, non-destructive image manipulations.

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Specify number of loops for animated GIF (ImageMagick)? [closed]

I'm experimenting with Craft 2.6, and am having a bit of difficulty with animated GIFs. The original animated GIF files I'm working with are set up to only loop once, but when I upload them into Craft ...
Sherri Alexander's user avatar
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Transform cannot be found

I've got a Matrix field with an image. If I use a pre-defined transform that's defined in Assets everything works fine. However, I need to set a transform manually in the template but it keeps ...
glider's user avatar
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Generating pending image transforms stuck

My image transform task always gets stuck halfway through so that I have to "repair" the task as per this guide. Im trying to convert about 150 images (amounts to ~300 steps). Resetting the task ...
Sören Kampschroer's user avatar
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Image Transform Problems, Timeouts, Stuck Transforms

We are seeing the following symptoms: We routinely encounter stuck Generating pending image transforms tasks and have to manually mark the tasks as failed using SQL in the table craft_tasks. Broken ...
Jay Haase's user avatar
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Image Transform not passing correct URL

So Right now I am working on, and since a week or so the Image Transform functionality seems to be working in another way (ever since the last mandatory update). The ...
GeirrBenayahu's user avatar
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Imager plugin using it's transformImage method doesn't produce correctly resized images

I'm using the lovely "Imager" plugin to produce a srcset of images, however it seems to only produce one size of image, which isn't really what i was expecting! My code is: {% set image = entry....
John's user avatar
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GIFs aren't being transformed

I know that others have had issues with transforms and GIFs, but I wanted to post a question as I am running pretty up-to-date versions of everything, which to my understand should mean transforming ...
Katrin's user avatar
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ImageMagick generates dark images

Is there a workaround when using Craft with old versions of ImageMagick to prevent transformed images from being darker than the original? I had a look within the Imagine code base and couldn't see a ...
Fyrebase's user avatar
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Image Transform to convert animated GIF to static?

I'd like to be able to convert an animated GIF to static for displaying in my mobile view (to reduce bandwidth etc) currently it seems I can only really set the output to JPG for this (PNG seemed to ...
jmp909's user avatar
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Image Transforms: Is there a way to detect portrait or landscape?

I'm looking to setup an image transform via the control panel but I only want to resize the image (scale - not crop or fit). The trouble is that I don't know whether the uploaded image will be a ...
Ian Young's user avatar
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Force an image transform to images inserted into Redactor

I know this essentially does the trick, however I was hoping I could apply a custom transform to all image assets if one hasn't been defined by the user. The problem I have is trying to convey the ...
Mark Notton's user avatar
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PHP transformed image?

I’m using Craft to add CMS functionality to an e-commerce website via craft/app/bootstrap.php Trying to pull a 'timeline' structure with a featuredImage Asset Field. This code works and pulls the ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Best way to access getPrev and getNext asset fields

I am trying to access the previous and the next blog entries from my current post. Here is what I am doing {% set params = craft.entries.section('blog').order('postDate asc') %} {% set prevEntry ...
hvs's user avatar
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Is it possible to force Craft to recheck available sever modules?

One of our servers hosting a Craft site has recently had ImageMagick installed on it, as we noticed that transformed animated GIFs weren't animating. The 'Requirement Report' at /admin/utils/...
Mike Vaux's user avatar
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Image transform is turning my jpegs dark

I'm experiencing a strange effect where an image transform is causing my images to turn very dark when compared to their originals. I have ImageMagick and gd installed. The images are all sRGB. Some ...
patrick.altair's user avatar
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Pass hardcoded path to getUrl()

I am migrating a static HTML site to Craft, and trying to apply image transforms to specific images without running them through a Craft field. In other words, I have the image path hardcoded in the ...
simonswiss's user avatar
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Image Transform in template 'Auto' errors

The docs state: format can be set to 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', or 'Auto'. *Why is it 'Auto' not 'auto'?! I'm using a variable to define the ...
Elliot Lewis's user avatar
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Issues with picture and image transforms

I'm having some issues with when applying image transforms. Hopefully it's something obvious I'm over looking. The code is as follows: <picture> <source media="(min-width: 401px)" ...
Lettie's user avatar
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Ensuring Image transforms use https

I'm trying to get rid mix content warnings for https connection. The SSL certificate is installed and working fine but my image transforms are being requested over http hence the warning messages. ...
Dave Coggins's user avatar
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image transforms issue with CMYK images [closed]

The builtin craft image resizer tool appears to be having issues with CMYK source images, we're using Craft 2.5 (latest version) Original source image http://2b45fe03c2dbd491035c-...
dave_agilepixel's user avatar
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Assets Transform returns "Image cannot be found."

I have two assets sources, Slideshow and Products. I have six Image Transforms. On the home page I'm using a structure channel to play a simple slideshow and I'm using 3 transforms and all is working ...
Dimitrios Vogiatzis's user avatar
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How to output transforms for retina images from one upload?

I have a slide show that shows logos of different dimensions working well in HTML/CSS - the image output looks like below. I'd like to only upload one retina/hdpi image once for the entry where the ...
joomkit's user avatar
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Image Transform Quality settings

This is a simple question but I haven't been able to find the answer. Does the Image Transform Quality setting "Auto" mean that no compression will be applied to the transform?
plaintxt's user avatar
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Access Image Transforms for S3 images via Element API

I'm building a small Craft site to function as a content backend, exposing all of the content via the ElementAPI. One field I'm retrieving and displaying in the API is the URL on Amazon S3 for an ...
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Image transform in inline background css not being generated

In my backend I have a radio button field with 2 options for the client: Normal and cover. When selecting normal, the uploaded image is put into an tag in the HTML and an image transform is applied. ...
Tom De Smet's user avatar
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GUI Crop image field - Plugin request

I'm just wondering here if something like this is possible. On a website I'm working on for a photographer, he's in need of carefully selecting focal points on his images. I'm aware of the focal ...
Kenny Bones's user avatar
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Plugin to create an image transformation for an external image (non-Assets field)

In reference to this post Can I apply an image transformation to an arbitrary image (non-Assets field)? does anyone have an example of the markup used to create the plugin to do this? I need to ...
Simon Leadbetter's user avatar
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Applying image transforms to remote images?

Is there any way to apply an image transform (either CP-defined or template-defined) to a variable which represents the URL of a remote image? Naturally it would need to be cached locally, but since ...
Derek Hogue's user avatar
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Image transforms return cpresources URL in Craft Pro 2.5.2754

Despite having tried the tips from Image transforms returning cpresources url, I am still having issues with image-transforms. I am running Craft Pro 2.5.2754 asset-source details as follows: ...
Fuglsetrampen's user avatar
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Craft 2.5 option to embed image with transform missing [closed]

I know Craft 2.5 uses Redactor II so I assume this problem relates to this, but it would be good to get this confirmed. Setting aside the fact you need to update the configs, I have noticed the ...
Simon Leadbetter's user avatar
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Image Transform as a Field

I was just checking out the AP insights case study: I came across the LiveView Editor screenshot. I see an inline Image Transform Crop field. What is the method to add this crop field ?
RDMD's user avatar
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Can't resize image in Rich Text field since 2.5 update

after upgrade to 2.5, it seems it's not possible to click on the inserted image and resize it in the Rich Text Field. If you click it now, you directly get a popup to give in the Title, link or select ...
iDzine's user avatar
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Transform: Image {file} cannot be found with

Why do i get an error throw new Exception(Craft::t('Image “{file}” cannot be found.', array('file' => $file->filename))); for {% set myImage = entry.pr_foto.first %} {% set params = { width: 300, ...
Dave Driesmans's user avatar
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How to troubleshoot Inline Image Transform when there is no error logged?

Having some odd issues in 2.5 with image transforms (apparently). They are defined in the template, and saved to a Rackspace Cloud Files container. Often, we are getting a 500 Internal Server Error ...
Chad W's user avatar
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Image transform with either width or height

I'm looking to create an image transformation where either the height is (e.g.) 180px, or the width is 180px depending on whether the image is portrait or landscape. So, if the image is landscape the ...
lowe_22's user avatar
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Possible memory leak - GeneratePendingTransforms/ImageMagick

Wondering if anyone else has had issues with memory and a large amount of image transforms. I seems like perhaps memory is not being freed up between transforms. When GeneratePendingTransforms is ...
Tim Kelty's user avatar
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Images much larger on server and page than the local version

I am trying to bring image file sizes down as much as possible, but the images on the server turn out to be quite a bit larger than the same images I have saved locally. For example, I have one local ...
Katrin's user avatar
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ID for transformed asset

Does craft save a temporary ID for an asset transform? If so, how do you access it. The ID would be used in a plugin on form submit. {% for entry in imageLibrary %} <form method="post"> ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Full url to image transform

I'm trying to setup a page where the html will be copied into Mailchimp for a newsletter. The images need to have a full path url. How would I construct the code to provide this? So instead of "/...
glider's user avatar
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Image Transforms not stretching image

i´m implementing a image gallery and want to show the thumbnails ( no problem here ) with a transform applied, and i want to implement a image transform on the large image that opens on a lightbox. ...
Seba.'s user avatar
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How does Craft know when to generate an Image Transform

I created an image transform called teamImage. My template code is below. I want this transform to be created when I upload an image within a Team entry. Team has it's own asset folder. My ...
seth's user avatar
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Image Transforms - disable scaling up [duplicate]

I have image transforms set up and working well for my site, however I have an issue that seems to be a possible feature request because it is not documented or on this Stack Exchange. If a user ...
Adam Menczykowski's user avatar
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Disable image cleansing for public facing form uploads

We want the public uploads to remain in raw state. Is it possible to disable image cleansing for entries created through public facing form? (Image cleansing to continue working for uploads through ...
Souvik Das Gupta's user avatar
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How to check if an Image Transform exists?

Is there an elegant way to check if an image transform exists? {% if craft.imageTransformExists('thumb') %} <img src="{{asset.getUrl(thumb)}}" alt="Image"> {% else %} This image transform ...
Mark Notton's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a new image transform 'onAfterInstall()' of a plugin?

As the title suggests, I would like my plugin to generate a new image transform automatically (with a few settings) when the plugin is installed. The purpose is to avoid my plugin from crashing if a ...
Mark Notton's user avatar
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Uploading animated GIF outputs only first frame

I've updated everything to the latest version and the result of uploading an animated GIF is just the first frame of the animated GIF. Any ideas on why animated GIFs aren't working? Is there a way to ...
Nathan's user avatar
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How can I server Craft transform assets statically (not through Craft/PHP)

I’m using Craft as a backend for an iOS app and theres thousands of asset requests. Having to go through php instead of straight through Apache is causing too much of a bottleneck. I want to use ...
Tim Kelty's user avatar
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How can I use images from my live Craft Site when developing locally

I'd like to sync the database of a live site to my local site for development, but don't want to download all the images and files. Is there an .htaccess that could look for the files locally, and on ...
lowe_22's user avatar
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Resize User Photo

I know about getPhotoUrl(size) but this always gives me a square. Is there any way of scaling/cropping the user photo? Let's say I want the photo 100x50, would that be possible? By looking at the code ...
Sidney Widmer's user avatar
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Asset transform messing with color

I have a client with very stringent concerns over acurate color in thier images. They have noticed that image resized from Craft have some dramatic color discrepancies, which I have verified. It's ...
Tim Kelty's user avatar
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