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No input file specified - [proxy_fcgi:error] Got error 'Unable to open primary script: [PATH]/html/index.php (No such file or directory)\n'

I have a peculiar situation that is only happening on the root domain and NOT subdomains. For example, CraftCMS (2.6.3019) running on Apache with php-fpm works fine on dev.some-domain.tld and test....
ylluminate's user avatar
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Installing Craft in a Sub Folder

I have created a Craft CMS site on a VPS Server running CentOS 7. I have a file setup on the public_html like this: - cms craft public app (this is running a Symfony Framework Web App and runs from ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
2 answers

Anyone with a tricked out .htaccess file

I am looking at shaving www. and enforcing https on the entire site without a plugin. All along removing the index.php. Here is my .htaccess file, it works but is it optimized. If you have any ...
Vin's user avatar
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HTTPs Site - Redirects Go to HTTP First & Then HTTPs

So I've updated the site URL in my general.php as follows: 'siteUrl' => "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], I also have our web server making sure everything goes to ...
dpayne's user avatar
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Cannot omit index.php from URL

I know this question has come up many times before, although after reading and trying dozens of answers, I am none the wiser. I am currently rebuilding my website with Ubuntu 16.04, PHP7 and apache. ...
James Saunders's user avatar
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htpasswd issues with Craft

So I raised a previous thread here. Basically with the site behind a htpasswd (as it is a staging url) after ...
Terry Upton's user avatar
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Front end profile does not save data - form action

I've been having trouble getting a front-end profile template to save any data. It was quite complex so I've gone back to a base install of Craft with no custom fields for a User. Using the example ...
Elliot Lewis's user avatar