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Get Freeform Submission ID from "Replace Form"

Has anyone managed to get the from the "Replace form with Success Template" on Freeform using Craft5? I was passing it via the Return URL like so: {{ craft.freeform....
JMKelley's user avatar
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Freeform / ClickDimension integration - Hidden field data too long

I'm trying to integrate a form with ClickDimension using the POST Forwarding option. From Postman, I am able to submit form data to ClickDimension without any problem. ClickDimension requires hidden ...
PatCraft's user avatar
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Freeform Campaign Monitor Client Error: Code '102' Message ' InvalidClientID'

I have connected my campaign monitor account to Freeform and it has also shown as 'Authorised' however when I go onto the form > integrations and try to select a mailing list, no mailing list is ...
Sophie's user avatar
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Freeform v Render

I'm using "craftcms/cms": "4.7.1", My form does not render since I updated to the new most recent version of freeform "solspace/craft-freeform": "", is ...
Johanna Maldonado's user avatar
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How do I get Calendar to appear as a Service Provider after updating to Solspace Freeform 5

I have updated Freeform from version 4 to 5 and have a few questions. But the first is related to getting the Forms Connected to the Calendar. With Freeform 4 we had them connected using Element ...
Dwayne Jamieson's user avatar
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No option to add Credit Card Details field as a Conditional field

I'm trying to setup a payment integration having some slight issue with the conditional logic on Freeform. I'm on Craft CMS 3.8.12 (Pro Version and Freeform Pro). The form is supposed to have a ...
Armon's user avatar
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Freeform purge submissions: unknown command

We try to delete the submissions from Freeform with the following terminal command: ./craft freeform/purge/submissions --age-in-days=30 And we get this error: Craft can’t connect to the database. ...
ChuckLean's user avatar
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Freeform: Specify alternate return url for spam submissions

I'm using a custom Return URL for my Freeform 3.13.7 forms to submit data to a CRM. The issue I'm running into is that my Spam Protection Behavior is set to "Simulate Success", which means ...
artmem's user avatar
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Compose the value of a field based on values of other fields with Freeform plugin

Is it possible to create a hidden field which is composed by the values of previous fields? Example: Field A: First name Field B: Last Name Hidden Field automatically composes the values: "First ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Freeform Forms field in alphabetical order

Is it possible to display all the forms in the Freeform forms field alphabetically? The default appears to be order by date created, but on a site with over 100 forms it becomes nigh impossible to ...
Mariska Booister's user avatar
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Attach file to Freeform submission

I'm building a form that allows a user the ability to attach their authored assets onto the form submission. I have a custom module that's hooking into MailerService in Freeform and looking up the ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Freeform upload size error is wrong

having an issue with Solspace Freeform. I have a form with 2 file fields. The max file size has been increased to 20Mb, Nginx/PHP/Craft have all been increased to 20Mb too but yet when I try to ...
Steven Grant's user avatar
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Can the Return URL within forms link to an external url?

I'm building a form and would like to either have the "submit" button drive to an external URL, or to a page on my site that redirects to an external URL. I can't find a way to make this ...
kelly's user avatar
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Freeform plugin: Email Notification Templates Directory Path: Not set correctly

Freeform plugin: I keep seeing this " Email Notification Templates Directory Path: Not set correctly " in my diagnostics section and can't access my templates. I have a folder in the root of ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Post Request Required Error Solspace Freeform

I installed Solspace Freeform onto a new site and am getting this error on form submission.
Alex Carpenter's user avatar
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Craft CMS Freeform unable to override value of invisible/hidden field

In my control panel, I have a hidden field type with name 'Payment Amount' and handle name 'paymentAmount'. I am trying to modify its value to be the same as another field of the same form called '...
Steven Zhang's user avatar
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Freeform plugin: dynamic recipient

I'm developing a site in Craft 3. I have added Freeform PRO to it. I am just wondering if this is possible: I have created a form, and I want all the notifications of submissions sent to the admin (...
Paloma Martinez's user avatar
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Countries Field for Freeform

The Freeform docs say there is a predefined option for Countries, but I do not see it anywhere in the Field types or existing fields. How does one access this? Using the latest version of both Craft ...
Roi Agneta's user avatar
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Freeform Element Connections to Update Existing Entries

I have a Freeform 3 form and I have mapped it to an existing channel. The connection works, and filling out a form creates a new entry, but it only create new entries. The form is on an entry page. ...
AbbeyDesign's user avatar
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Prev/Next Buttons not showing in a multipage form

How can i achieve that the next/prev buttons appear in a multipage form ?
Manu Reye's user avatar
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Freeform license -

A site I built a couple years ago has transitioned to a new owner and the Freeform Lite plugin requires a license renewal. When the new owner attempted to renew it he received a fairle generic error ...
Darrin P's user avatar
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Freeform: query form object for presence of field type (or other criterion)

I want to be able to check if a form object returned by a query has fields of a certain scope before I generate its markup. I have a test case where I want to know if a form has a checkbox field type ...
Jonathan Schofield's user avatar
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Can you call a controller method from within a plugin/module in Craft 3?

I initially asked a question here about how to use Solspace Freeform to build a custom front-end login form. I gave up too easily and accepted the "it's possible but probably not a good idea"...
Garrett's user avatar
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Is it possible/recommended to use Solspace Freeform for a front-end user login form?

I would like to build a front-end user login form using Freeform. Is it possible or even recommended? Right now all my form input styling/markup lives inside the Freeform render templates and it would ...
Garrett's user avatar
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Freeform user account creation form: handling prior user account exists

This is more or less a duplicate of a support ticket raised with Solspace. I’ve no doubt they will provide an answer but if anyone else has one feel free to pitch in. I'm using Freeform forms to ...
Jonathan Schofield's user avatar
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Error Updating Freeform Pro

I recently renewed many licenses on a previously-neglected site and have been attempting to update both the CMS and the plugins. Despite having a Freeform Pro license, the plugin appears as Freeform ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Is there a way to override the formatting template used when rendering a Freeform form?

I have a form that can appear either in the regular body flow of a page, or in a sidebar-esque box. When rendering normally, I want it to use the formatting template selected in the backend, but when ...
Sandwich's user avatar
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Unique input IDs in Freeform

Apologies if this has already been brought up but shouldn't each input have a unique id? I assumed Freeform would prepend the input ids with the form id or something but it seems it just duplicates ...
Moucky's user avatar
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Is it possible to localize Freeform fields and labels?

Is it possible to localize labels and other params of Freeform form fields on the multilingual site? Thanks
Oleg's user avatar
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Freeform: Change field conditions between multi-page forms

I'm trying to only show some fields on Page 2, if a condition from a <select> box is met on Page 1. However, when I add Field Rules, I only have access to fields from the same page of the form. ...
OneMohrTime's user avatar
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FreeForm: Adding attributes to the honeypot field

I'm using VueJS too process and submit forms, and I would like to utilize the freeform honeypot functionality. The issue is that I am unable to add a v-model attribute to the honeypot field. I've ...
Philip Zaengle's user avatar
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Freeform: How do I detect if a form was submitted?

I'm need to send a google analytics tracking event when a form is submitted. To do that, I need to know on any page of the site if a user has landed there as a result of a form being submitted. Given ...
darylknight's user avatar
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Add Salesforce Lead record with file attachment

Can anyone know if it is possible to upload a file to the SalesForce service using the Freeform, Express form or another plugin...? (i.e. need to add Lead record with file attachment) Thanks
Oleg's user avatar
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Craft 3, Freeform form not submitting file upload

I have a simple form with a file upload field in built with the latest version of Craft 3 and Freeform and I haven't been able to get the file upload to the field to work. When you submit the form ...
Mark's user avatar
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Freeform submission only works if 'devMode' => true

I have a locally running form via Solspace's Freeform plugin (Craft2) which perfectly runs on my local setup, but fails silently without any logs or messages on my live-setup. The form is submitting ...
Michal Mladekson's user avatar
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Migrate forms from EE2 Freeform to Craft 3 Freeform

I need to migrate some forms from Freeform in ExpressionEngine 2 to Freeform in Craft 3. Do you know of any tools or methods that exist that can help me out with this? Or am I doomed to do this ...
Gary Reckard's user avatar
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Render Field from FieldHandler in FreeForm Craft CMS

Can we render some particular field from our FreeForm plugin ? If yes, how can we achieve it ?
dyanmic Dreamz's user avatar
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FreeForm and Vue - Hidden Forms in Modal - Manually refresh the Craft CRSF token and Freeform JS Honeypot field

Anyone using FreeForm and Vue together? I have a form that is hidden away in a modal (that is then shown using Vue) via a click of a button. Vue is only used to hide the form and show the form. the ...
Terry Upton's user avatar
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Freeform Email Notification HTML template not found

I have set up Freeform Email Notifications, but I need them to be HTML templates within my templates folder to access the entry that the form is attached to. The problem is that Freeform keeps giving ...
JMKelley's user avatar
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Freeform Plugin: Success Page and Submission ID - Template not Found

I am getting the following error when redirecting the form success message to a page. I am trying to pass in the submission ID... HTTP 404 – Not Found – yii\web\NotFoundHttpException Template not ...
Dan Lee's user avatar
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Freeform Plugin: Get Total No. of Pages

How does one get the total no. of pages for a multi-step form? The following doesn't work. {% set count = form.pages().count() %}
Dan Lee's user avatar
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FreeForm and HubSpot - Current Page

We are looking to place a contact form across all pages and want to integrate HubSpot. I noticed that there was the ability to match up the fields with HubSpot - which is great - my question is how do ...
Dan Lee's user avatar
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Set email recipient based on value of select in freeform - possible?

Basically I have a select in my freeform, say with values catalogue A, catalogue B, catalogue C. Is it possible to set the email recipient depending on the value that the user will select? e.g. ...
erwinheiser's user avatar
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Freeform: Remove default styling injection

I seem to be stuck with a simple -- but quite annoying -- question. I'm setting my own styling for a form and keep running into issues where I'm fighting with Freeform's default styling. I'm not ...
Rob's user avatar
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Unable able to update Freeform Pro from 2.2 to 2.5

I continue to get this error each time I try to update Freefrom. I don't was to alter the table structure since data exists.
bshelling's user avatar
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AJAX CSRF Producing Inconsistent Results

I am using CSRF tokens in a form on CraftCMS. Submissions are successful with a standard configuration. Introducing "fresh" CSRF tokens via AJAX on page load is causing some trouble. This is ...
Chris Chapman's user avatar
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Solspace Freeform pass variable to form

I have an Freeform entry field {{ pageForm }} where the user can select a form to display on the page. And then in the page template I load the form in to the page using {{ entry.pageForm.render() }}...
Mark's user avatar
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Solspace Freeform: Looping through Radio group options in template

Using Solspace Freeform, I am trying to hardcode a radio gorup and its options in to a template. My effort is below but its not working {# get the radio group field #} {% set interestedIn = form.get("...
Mark's user avatar
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Is it possible to set dynamic checkbox group options in a Solspace Freeform form?

I have a form where the checkbox group options I show would ideally be based on details for the logged in user. Is it possible to dynamically set checkbox group or radio group options for a Freeform ...
cmal's user avatar
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CraftCMS 2 -> 3 Migration error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting variable (T_VARIABLE)

I've successfully upgraded a Craft 2 install to Craft 3 on my local machine, but now that I've moved everything to production, I'm getting this error anytime I try to load a template that uses ...
Charlie Triplett's user avatar