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Setting tab 'error' class for tab with error

When creating an editor interface within my plugin, I am using the following snippet to create a set of tabs inside a tab pane: {% include "_includes/tabs" with { tabA: { label: 'Tab A'|t, url: '#...
Tim Everts's user avatar
3 votes
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Returning errors into templates

When working with a custom form that posts to a plugin function - what's the best way to return errors that would be displayed like the forgot password code example below {% if errors is defined %...
Adam McCombs's user avatar
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How to return errors from a model back to the template?

I'm working on validation with Craft. I have a custom plugin that allows public submission. However, I want to make sure I can pass errors back to the template. The key is trying to make my code as "...
Jason McCallister's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Render generic message/error template from plugin

Basically, I'm trying to emulate show_error from EE/CI: I want to just use the generic Craft error template (/craft/app/templates/error....
Tim Kelty's user avatar
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