I have a site which has two blog-like sections, which I'll call Blog and News. Each has a few categories. The categories are different in each section. An article always has (only) 1 category assigned to it. I want the URLs to be like:
/blog/ # index page
/blog/category-slug # listing all articles in category
/blog/category-slug/article-slug # an article
I'm struggling with how to construct this nicely out of Craft's Fields, Sections, Channels, Entries... I imagine I may need some custom routing, but haven't even got that far. Should I have two separate Channels and two separate Category sets? One Channel with two Entry Types and two Category sets? One Category structure with 'blog' and 'news' at the top level? How do I generate URLs for an Entry that will include /news/category-slug/...
I'm going round and round in circles. I've tried things from answers here but haven't yet managed to display an entry at any URLs I expect.
(As an added wrinkle, I want the /blog/
and /news/
pages to appear to the user to be pages within a separate Structure... but I was going to worry about that once I've got the basic channel/category/entry stuff working!)