In my plugin settings page, I have a startDate input which is a dateTime field.
'label': 'Start Date'|t,
'instructions': 'Choose a date'|t,
'id': 'myStartDate',
'name': 'myStartDate',
'placeholder': 'mm/dd/yyyy',
'value': settings.myStartDate,
'errors': settings.getErrors('myStartDate')
My data is getting saved correctly - I can see it:
"myStartDate": {
"date": "2015-04-13 05:00:00
So I thought cool. I just need:
and all is well. No luck.
What is curious to me, is when I fill out my start date, but my form fails validation, the date that I have entered is correctly repopulated. I don't have to re-enter the date.
But, once I successfully submit my settings, and then come back, my date field is no longer populated.
I've tried myStartDate
and myStartDate|date("m/d/Y")
but all with no luck.
I feel like I'm abusing this community with so many questions lately. I know the dateTime field needs to be a dateTime object - and I assume that's why it's not working for me. I'm not passing it what it needs.
Thank you for your time!