I am wondering the way to go about modifying the redactor formatting settings either for all the configs or on a per config basis. I want to add custom formatting styles and classes for various text elements. Per the documentation it seems I need to add it with JS (not something I add in a config json file) but i'm not sure where I need to add the file.
1 Answer
You can use JavaScript to edit the Redactor settings, but the correct answer here is to add the settings with JSON config files. Those should go into your /craft/config/redactor folder.
Take look at the Redactor Styles plugin though – it will add a couple of textareas to your CP for adding custom Redactor JSON and/or CSS, which should make this a bit easier.
Also, see this related thread: <craftcms.stackexchange.com/questions/238/…> Commented Mar 2, 2015 at 12:03