I want to create an event that triggers before the site loads to I grab the variables passed in the http header and send them to a plugin I have made.

I will have a url like http://www.foo.com?username=abc123

I want it immediately trigger a controller method located at: http://www.foo.com/actions/myPlugin/myMethod

Im just not sure how to connect the dots.


1 Answer 1


Off the top of my head and in no way tested or thought through, you could put some logic in your plugin's init() method:

public function init()
    $username = craft()->request->getQuery('username');

    if ($username)
            'username' => $username


Then in your plugins's controller:

class MyPluginController extends BaseController
    protected $allowAnonymous = true;

    public function actionDoIt($username)
        // Do your thing.


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