Is there currently a way to eager load the matrix values of an element and thus be able to sort by one of its fields? Imagine you have something like the following:
$criteria = craft()->elements->getCriteria(ElementType::MatrixBlock);
$criteria->type = 'mytype';
$blocks = $criteria->find();
This would create a select from the following tables:
FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
JOIN `craft_elements_i18n` `elements_i18n`
ON elements_i18n.elementid =
JOIN `craft_matrixblocks` `matrixblocks`
ON =
JOIN `craft_matrixblocktypes` `matrixblocktypes`
ON = matrixblocks.typeid
Obviously the most important table for my task at hand is missing: the craft_matrixcontent_mytype
table. I'm not able order by mytable.myfield and additionally, while looping those blocks I have the N+1 problem where it builds an extra query to fetch the actual block content.
Am I somehow able to load all MatrixBlocks of a given type, INCLUDING the values?