I feel like I'm doing this wrong (looping on section fields):
{% for fieldLayoutField in craft.entries.section('rentalsBulletin').getEntryTypes().first.getFieldLayout().getFields() %}
{% set field = craft.fields.getFieldById(fieldLayoutField.fieldId) %}
{% include 'rentals-bulletin/_components/form-field-types/' ~ field.type %}
{% endfor %}
Building a front-end "create" page. Goal is loop through fields and depending on type include a snippet to build the form. Basically, get section fields and build the form dynamically.
EDIT: if you didn't see the accepted answer comments, the way to do this when you don't have an entry to work with is:
{% for fieldLayoutField in craft.sections.getSectionByHandle('rentalsBulletin').getEntryTypes()[0].getFieldLayout().getFields() %}