I've just taken over a Craft 3 site that I'm upgrading to Craft 4. I've got 3 updates installed. I'm left with 5 deprecation warnings that are all (except one) coming from deep into the craftcms or yii vendor files. Here is a shot of the warnings...

  • The environmentVariables config setting has been renamed to aliases. Found in: /var/www/html/config/general.php

  • The siteUrl config setting has been deprecated. You can set your site’s Base URL setting on a per-environment basis using an alias or environment variable. See Environmental Configuration for more info. Found in: /var/www/html/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/BaseObject.php:109

  • The environmentVariables config setting has been renamed to aliases. Found in: /var/www/html/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/services/Config.php:100

There are two more, but they are repeats of the last two.

I did find an environmentVariables array in general.php, but I removed it. I also removed the siteUrl from general.php. But these warnings persist.

Is it important to remove these warnings? If so, any ideas on how to get rid of them?


1 Answer 1


Apparently I just didn't Clear All on the deprecations page. I assumed when I refreshed the page, it would also refresh the deprecations list. I was wrong, it seems you need to Clear All on the deprecations page to remove past notices. But once I did it removed the warnings. Hope this help someone else.

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