I'm working with a live stock API and want to import the products on a daily basis (using a cron job probably). At this moment I've setup a Feed Me feed as entries. This works for all products where the data is presented one by one. But the data does also have a part with an array and inside that array also columns, arrays like this:
"supplier_data_columns": ["value1", "value2", "value3" {
"properties": {
"203": "width_package",
"205": "height_package",
"206": "length_package"
This is then used in the article descriptions:
"supplier_data": [
["F.15852", "Scott", "2557" {
"203": "50",
"205": "40",
"206": "100"
How do I address this? Is this even possible with Feed Me? Do I need to import the whole array at once as "supplier data" and then extract the right columns in the entry? Or is a module needed here?