How can I display an entry string, with included special characters (like single and double quotes) , inside a script tag without translating these special characters into html entities but escaping their quotes?

By default: Carlo's "string" will output Carlo's "string" which in javascript if the variable is shown on screen will show all the characters of the html entities.

I have tried:

   var string = '{{ creatif.creatifsName|raw }}'

Which removes the html entities but obviously the script will not work because the quotes are not escaped.

1 Answer 1

   var mystring = '{{ creatif.creatifsName|escape('js') }}'


Remember to wrap your variable declaration in quotes for it to be set as a string in the JS.

  • Great, thank you so much!!!
    – Samuel
    Commented May 3, 2022 at 15:02

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