I'm trying to save an entry via a controller. They are contact form submission. A few of the fields are required.

    $section = Craft::$app->sections->getSectionByHandle('contactSubmissions');

    $entry = new Entry();
    $entry->sectionId = $section->id;
    $entry->typeId = 2;
    $entry->authorId = 1;
    $entry->enabled = true;

        'contactName' => ucwords($data['contactName']),
        'contactEmail' => $data['contactEmail'],
        'contactCompany' => $data['contactCompany'],
        'contactMessage' => $data['contactMessage'],
        'contactHeardAbout' => $data['contactHeardAbout'],
        'contactWebsite' => $data['contactWebsite'],
        'contactTitle' => $data['contactTitle'],

    if ( Craft::$app->elements->saveElement($entry) ) {

    return $entry;

The only validation that runs if the missing title, which in this case is the contactName. All other keys in the $data array are empty strings. They do not trigger any validation and the empty entry saves into the database.

If I were to go into the control panel and try to save the entry, it would fail with the validation errors.

If I were to enter a value for the email field, but have an invalid email, that validation then gets triggered. But none of the empty fields do.

Additional info

Craft version: 3.6.10

PHP version: 7.3.13

1 Answer 1


You would need to set the entry's scenario to live just before saving the element.

$section = Craft::$app->sections->getSectionByHandle('contactSubmissions');

$entry = new Entry();
$entry->sectionId = $section->id;
$entry->typeId = 2;
$entry->authorId = 1;
$entry->enabled = true;

    'contactName' => ucwords($data['contactName']),
    'contactEmail' => $data['contactEmail'],
    'contactCompany' => $data['contactCompany'],
    'contactMessage' => $data['contactMessage'],
    'contactHeardAbout' => $data['contactHeardAbout'],
    'contactWebsite' => $data['contactWebsite'],
    'contactTitle' => $data['contactTitle'],


if ( Craft::$app->elements->saveElement($entry) ) {


return $entry;

Alternatively, If you want to save entries from the front-end, unless you have very specific requirements, you could use:

  • Thank you and Brandon for this! I wouldn't have been able to figure out this one Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 13:21

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