I have two entry types that I want to show in a sorted list (by postDate, with paginating).

    type: ["entryType1", "entryType2"],
    orderBy: "postDate desc",
    limit: 5,
    offset: 0
  ) {

This already works. Now the second post type entryType2 should have an optional Lightswitch showInList, where the editor can decide if the entry should appear in the list.

    type: ["entryType1", "entryType2"],
    orderBy: "postDate desc",
    showInList: 1,
    limit: 5,
    offset: 0
  ) {

Unfortunately with the adapted querying I only get the entries of the type with the Lightswitch field declared. When setting showInList: null I get all entries of both entry types, but its ignoring if showInList is true/false for any entry of the second post type. I tested different QueryArguments but its seems they all have no effect.

Every QueryArgument is handled as if true


  • showInList: 1 → shows only entries of entryType2 with showInList set to true, ignores entryType2
  • showInList: ['not 1'] → I thought this would give all entries of entryType2 with showInList set to false but it behaves the same as showInList: 1
  • showInList: null → shows entries of both types but ignores the showInList field

is there something like showInList: ['1 or undefined'] or any other QueryArgument that would give me the expected result?

Tested in CraftCMS with full schema

1 Answer 1


Just saw this resolved issue on GitHub: https://github.com/craftcms/cms/issues/5930

So Lightswitch querying should be fixed in the upcoming release CraftCMS 3.5

Edit: there is a workaround until 3.5 is released. see comment by @harrymee123 and my example query at https://github.com/craftcms/cms/issues/5930#issuecomment-657417173

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