Lets have this query:

query test {
  entries(section: "vacancies") {
    ... on vacancies_vacancies_Entry {
      organisation {
        ... on organisations_organisations_Entry {

Now how would I go about only displaying vacancies from an organisation that has a specific organisationType . I've had a quick read through graphQl docs and couldn't find anything that could help.

I guess I can first query organisations, get their IDs and then pass it to relatedTo parameter to another query, but that's 2 API requests each time I want to make a query. Is it possible to somehow use one graphQL query as a parameter in another graphQl query? Are there any better solutions to this?

  • Would really like to know this also, as it would be a very common use-case. This is similar to a simple join in SQL, e.g. "select * from x join y on y.xid=x.id and y.type=2". Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 3:38
  • Did you ever figure this out? I am hitting the same wall. I need to grab related Matrix blocks, but in order to get those related blocks, I need to send over an entry element or an entry id. I'd rather not have to run two queries every time. Argh.
    – Jacob Graf
    Commented Sep 26, 2021 at 16:59

1 Answer 1


I know this question is 1.5+ years old but I landed here looking for something similar and think I found the answer: relatedToEntries. In the docs: https://craftcms.com/docs/3.x/graphql.html#relations

Something like this (replacing 'attributeHandle' and "valueYouWant"):

query test {
  entries(section: "vacancies", relatedToEntries({attributeHandle: "valueYouWant") {
    ... on vacancies_vacancies_Entry {
      organisation {
        ... on organisations_organisations_Entry {

Works for me. Hope that helps get someone on the right path!

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