Unfortunately I'm still very new to Craft, but I have a question to which I haven't found an answer here or in the Docs or the ones I found don't seem to work in my case.
I want to output all the images for each entry in this loop and I don't understand how I get the "set image = entry.startbilder" to work that way?
I understand that ".one()" only outputs the first image but how do I change that to output all images? changing that to ".all()" results in an error.
{% for entry in craft.entries.section('projekte').all() %}
<a href="{{ entry.url }}">
{% set image = entry.startbilder.one() %}
{% if image %}
<img src="{{ image.getUrl('medium') }}" alt="{{ image.title }}" />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
thanks in advance for any help!