I have a custom plugin which is added via path repository on local. I have some migrations in the src folder.

My problem is if I uninstall the plugin and install it again, I can see all of the migrations in the migration table, but only Install migration is applied.

If I change the version and schema version of the plugin and remove and require the plugin again, I get update plugin notification on the dashboard and all of the migrations are applied correctly.

also if i create and apply these migrations via command i can see change in databases.

i don't why migrations aren't applied on plugin install -except Install migration-?

1 Answer 1


It sounds like it's working as expected.

When you add a new migration for your plugin, you're expected to update your plugin's Install.php migration with the new schema changes as well.

You can see the relevant code here: https://github.com/craftcms/cms/blob/develop/src/base/Plugin.php#L149-L161

  • thanks. so when we change database schema, we have to create a separate migration for current installations and update install.php for new installations? what is the point of this special install.php migration anyway?
    – user9975
    Commented Sep 14, 2019 at 21:16

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