So I have a Entry type that has two custom fields on it. Both fields are integer fields. I'd like to make a query in PHP that gets the entries by two custom fields, both of which are integer values. Here is my code so far:

    $query = [
        'year' => $year,
        'quarter' => $quarter,
    $seasonBoxes = \craft\elements\Entry::find()
                 ->orderBy('dateCreated asc')

Please note: $year is independent of the entry creation date so I can't use the date filters.

1 Answer 1


Fields in craft that are not element is query by something called element criteria model. In twig you do:

{% set result = craft.entries({
       section: 'boxes'
       orderBy: 'dateCreated asc'
       year: year,
       quarter: quarter
}).all() %}

In php

 $query = [
        'year' => $year,
        'quarter' => $quarter,
 $seasonBoxesQueryObject = \craft\elements\Entry::find()
                 ->orderBy('dateCreated asc');
 $seasonBoxesQueryObject->year = $query['year'];
 $seasonBoxesQueryObject->quarter = $query['quarter'];
 $seasonBoxes = $seasonBoxesQueryObject->all();
  • Thanks Parry! This code works great! Commented Jul 16, 2019 at 2:43

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