This has to be something that is easy, but I've been beating my head on my desk for a a few hours with this. Most solutions I have come across are way to complex - when all I need to do is query a section for all entries that appear in two categories.

I'm pulling in the slugs via url,

ex: domain.com/investigators?t=primary&a=pregnancy-newborn-medicine

Then querying like so:

{% set typeQuery = craft.app.request.getParam('t') %}
{% set areaQuery = craft.app.request.getParam('a') %}

{% set cat1 = craft.categories.group('investigatorTypes').slug(typeQuery).one() %}
{% set cat2 = craft.categories.group('areaOfResearch').slug(areaQuery).one() %}

{% set researchers = craft.entries()
        {element: cat1},
        {element: cat2}
    .orderBy('bioLastName asc')

What am I doing wrong?
Slugs match the respective categories in the groups. There are only two types in the investigatorTypes I can query for - one returns all of them, and the other returns none.

Am I overlooking something obvious?

Thanks in advance, friends.

  • Your code is working for me. I didn't use multiple category groups though, doubt that's the problem. Have you tried outputting {{ cat1.title }}{{ cat2.title }} to confirm that you're correctly grabbing the categories? Commented Jul 3, 2019 at 1:34
  • Yep. It's correctly grabbing the categories. It seems to be confused when it is filtering by the "investigatorTypes" as opposed to the "areaOfResearch".
    – gjhead
    Commented Jul 5, 2019 at 20:14

2 Answers 2


First, I might over complicate things. Maybe there is a simple solution by using: https://docs.craftcms.com/v3/relations.html#passing-multiple-relation-criteria

But my project has a complex query built in. So I did a custom db query class. And here is one of them might working for you.

If you know how to create a twig function in craft 3 in modules, the following code will make sense to you. If you don't know how to do it. Here is the link how to do it https://docs.craftcms.com/v3/extend/extending-twig.html#register-a-twig-extension.

     * This function is a twig extension

     * @param $IdArray      array           the array of element ids used for related to 
     *                                      you can join as many ids you want to.
     *                                      e.g. [
     *                                              [
     *                                                "or", ["1234","23123"]
     *                                              ],
     *                                              [
     *                                                "and", ["234","1232","12332"]
     *                                              ],
     *                                              ...
     *                                            ]
     * @return object                       craft element query object
    public function elementMultiRelatedTo($elementQuery, $IdArray=[]){
            foreach ($IdArray as $key=>$value){
                        $elementQuery = $elementQuery->orWhere($this->multipleRelatedToQuery($value[1]));
                    }elseif($value[0] == "and"){
                        $elementQuery = $elementQuery->andWhere($this->multipleRelatedToQuery($value[1]));

        return $elementQuery;

     * @param $id
     * @return \yii\db\Expression
    public function multipleRelatedToQuery($id){
        $sourceString = "";
        $targetString = "";
            return new \yii\db\Expression("1");
            foreach($id as $key => $v){
                if($key == 0){
                    $sourceString = "`sources2`.`sourceId` = '$v'";
                    $targetString = "`targets2`.`targetId` = '$v'";
                    $sourceString = $sourceString . " OR `sources2`.`sourceId` = '$v'";
                    $targetString = $targetString . " OR `targets2`.`targetId` = '$v'";

            $sourceString = "`sources2`.`sourceId` = '$id'";
            $targetString = "`targets2`.`targetId` = '$id'";

        return new \yii\db\Expression("
            `elements`.`id` IN 
                    `craft_relations` `sources2`
            OR `elements`.`id` IN 
                    `craft_relations` `targets2`

Then in twig

{% set typeQuery = craft.app.request.getParam('t') %}
{% set areaQuery = craft.app.request.getParam('a') %}

{% set cat1 = craft.categories.group('investigatorTypes').slug(typeQuery).one().id %}
{% set cat2 = craft.categories.group('areaOfResearch').slug(areaQuery).one().id %}

{% set researchers = craft.entries()
    .orderBy('bioLastName asc')

{# here cat1 and cat2 is not array, make sure put them in [] #}
{# if you want more than one id, you can try ".ids()" instead of ".one().id" #}

{% set researchers = elementMultiRelatedTo(resaerchers, 
]) %}
{% researchersArray = researchers.all() %}

After a ton of headbanging (and not the fun heavy-metal kind) I ended up following the answer in this post, and it seems to be working!

Craft 3 Multi Category and Field Search

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