I'm passing along a year as the yearQuery variable. Later in my template, I am doing this:

{% set eventEntries = craft.entries
    .eventStartDate('>=' ~ yearQuery)
    .eventStartDate('<' ~ (yearQuery + 1))
    .orderBy('eventStartDate asc')

What I want to do is show all entries for a year based on the "eventStartDate" field - and not the date they were posted.

So basically, all Events that were on in 2018, etc.

Is it possible to do this within this query or is there something I am just missing since I have been up way too late? I have a feeling I may be missing something obvious...

1 Answer 1


This should work:

{% set year = '2016' %}

{% set eventEntries = craft.entries
    .orderBy('eventStartDate asc')
  • That did it, Udo. Thanks so much!
    – gjhead
    Commented Jun 29, 2019 at 18:56

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