I am trying to get the entries based on multiple fields. Fields can be of type tags, checkbox, radio box, and number.

In my controller currently what I tried is.

$extrafilter will be like

    [0] => Array // other field
            [handle] => amenities
            [value] => laundry

    [1] => Array // tag field
            [handle] => technologies
            [value] => 45


Code to narrow down the result.

use Craft;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\elements\db\ElementQuery;

$entryQuery = Entry::find();

if ($extrafilter && !empty($extrafilter[0])) {
  $relatedTo = [];
  $fieldList = [];

  foreach ($extrafilter as $key => $value) {
     $relatedTo[] = $value['value'];
     $fieldList[] = $value['handle'];

  $entryQuery->relatedTo = array(
        'targetElement' => array_merge(['and'], $relatedTo),
        'field' => $fieldList,
$entries = $entryQuery->all();

This works for Tags but for other fields it dont give any result.

I checked these Questions

  1. Display entries that meet multiple tag params

1 Answer 1


I haven't tested it but it should give you a pretty good idea on how to set this up.

public function actionTest() {
    $entryQuery = Entry::find()->section('mySection');

    // All the element relations. For example tags and categories.
    // These have to be Element objects. For example craft\elements\Tag.
    $myArrayWithTags = [/* ... */];
    $myArrayWithCategories = [/* ... */];
    $allRelations = array_merge($myArrayWithTags, $myArrayWithCategories);

    // Filter by relations
    $this->_applyRelationFilter($entryQuery, $allRelations);

    // Filter by custom fields
    $this->_applyFieldFilter($entryQuery, 'myRadioField', 'value2');
    $this->_applyFieldFilter($entryQuery, 'myNumberField', 3);
    $this->_applyFieldFilter($entryQuery, 'myCheckboxField', ['option1', 'option2']);

    // Build response string
    $content = "Entries:<br>";
    $content .= "<pre>" . json_encode($entryQuery->all()) . "</pre>";

    // Respond
    $response = Craft::$app->getResponse();
    $response->content = $content;
    return $response;

private function _applyRelationFilter(ElementQuery $query, array $elements) : array {
    $relatedTo = [];

    // Build the list of relations in the correct format
    foreach($elements as $element) {
        array_push($relatedTo, [
            "targetElement" => $element

    // Create an array with and as the first value so 
    // the result only contains elements that have all the set relations
    $relatedTo = array_merge(['and'], $relatedTo);

    // Set query relatedTo
    return $query->relatedTo($relatedTo);

private function _applyFieldFilter(ElementQuery $query, string $handle, $value) {
        ('content.field_' . $handle) => $value

You need to have the following imports:

use Craft;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use craft\elements\db\ElementQuery;

Info about querying by custom field: https://craftcms.stackexchange.com/a/22995/9754

  • Thank you for your time. What goes in $myArrayWithTags, handle of tag fields?
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 9:13
  • @inrsaurabh The array should contain Elements. So in your case it would have to be filled with Tag objects (craft\element\Tag). Updated my answer :) Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 9:21
  • Ok, Currently, i am testing _applyRelationFilter in this i am getting an error related to ElementQuery which is ... instance of craft\elements\db\EntryQuery given ...
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 9:28
  • pastebin.com/i9jByDWd Complete error when using ElementQuery
    – inrsaurabh
    Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 9:48
  • @inrsaurabh You need to add the right imports. See my original answer for more details. Edited answer. Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 9:58

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