I have a layout template:

{% set bodyClass = [] %}

<body class="{% for class in bodyClass %}{{ class }} {% endfor %}">
    {{ block('pageBody') }}

And a template that extends it:

{% extends 'layout' %}

{% set bodyClass = bodyClass|merge(['myclass']) %}

{% block pageBody %}
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, consequuntur!</p>
{% endblock %}

When I try to append to the bodyClass variable I get the error:

Variable "bodyClass" does not exist.

However if I call the variable:

{% for class in bodyClass %}
  {{ class  }}
{% endfor %}

The template renders fine. Why can't I merge onto a variable that's been set in an extended template? Is there another way to do this?


2 Answers 2


You can only access the parent's variable, not modify it. You could however simply add another block specifically for the body class, like so:

Layout template:

<body class="{% block body_class %}default-class-1 default-class-2{% endblock %}">
    {{ block('pageBody') }}

Template that extends it:

{% extends 'layout' %}

{% block body_class %}{{ parent() }} myclass{% endblock %}

{% block pageBody %}
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, consequuntur!</p>
{% endblock %}

Note the call to parent() that includes the default classes defined in the parent template.

  • Thanks. Not 100% ideal since I won't be able to control the spacing before and after the classes, but I guess it's good enough.
    – kmgdev
    Commented Dec 18, 2018 at 4:24

I often just declare a second (optional) variable in each template, with the default classes set in a layout, and merged with any additional ones:

{# __layout/base.twig #}

{% set defaultBodyClasses = ['app'] %}
{# Use `default([])` to make this a non-mandatory assignment in your templates: #}
{% set bodyClasses = templateProvidedBodyClasses | default([]) | merge(defaultBodyClasses) %}

<body class="{{ bodyClasses | join(' ') }}">...</body>

…and then in a template, say rendering an Entry…

{# _pages/page.twig #}

{% extends '__layouts/base' %}

{% set templateProvidedBodyClasses = [
] %}

Hope this helps illuminate another option!

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