I want to do some complicated sorting of events coming back from the Solspace Calendar plugin. I'm not certain whether this issue is specific to this plugin or whether it's a general Craft thing.
In the custom plugin I'm writing where I want to do this, I have the following:
use Solspace\Calendar\Elements\Event;
$events = Event::buildQuery([
'rangeStart' => $attributes['start'],
'rangeEnd' => $attributes['end'],
datediff(`calendar_events`.`endDate`, `calendar_events`.`startDate`),
datediff(`calendar_events`.`endDate`, now())
)' => SORT_ASC,
'content.field_feature' => SORT_DESC,
'calendar_events.startDate' => SORT_ASC,
'title' => SORT_ASC,
The events do not come back in the order I expect, which is:
- By number remaining days of the event, ascending. (An event which starts tomorrow and runs for 2 days have 2 days remaining. An event which started yesterday and runs for 2 days has 1 day remaining. An event which has already finished has 0 remaining days.)
- If otherwise equal, then events with the "featured" flag should come earlier.
- If otherwise equal, then events which start earlier should come earlier.
- If otherwise equal, then sort by title.
I believe I have the ordering logic correct.
If I look at the Craft log I can see the query being run. If I put that into a MySQL console and run it, the results are in the order I want.
Here's such a query (which I've modified a bit to give more useful columns in the result set, so I can verify the order is correct):
SELECT `elements`.`id`,
Datediff(calendar_events.enddate, calendar_events.startdate) durat,
Datediff(calendar_events.enddate, Now()) daystogo,
Least(Datediff(calendar_events.enddate, calendar_events.startdate),
calendar_events.enddate, Now())) days,
FROM (SELECT `elements`.`id` AS `elementsId`,
`elements_sites`.`id` AS `elementsSitesId`,
`content`.`id` AS `contentId`
FROM `craft_elements` `elements`
INNER JOIN `craft_calendar_events` `calendar_events`
ON `calendar_events`.`id` = `elements`.`id`
INNER JOIN `craft_elements_sites` `elements_sites`
ON `elements_sites`.`elementid` = `elements`.`id`
INNER JOIN `craft_content` `content`
ON `content`.`elementid` = `elements`.`id`
INNER JOIN `craft_calendar_calendars`
ON `craft_calendar_calendars`.`id` =
INNER JOIN `craft_users`
ON `craft_users`.`id` = calendar_events.`authorid`
WHERE ( ( calendar_events.`rrule` IS NULL
AND calendar_events.`enddate` >= '2018-10-01 00:00:00' )
OR ( calendar_events.`rrule` IS NOT NULL
AND calendar_events.`until` IS NOT NULL
AND calendar_events.`until` >= '2018-10-01 00:00:00' )
OR ( calendar_events.`rrule` IS NOT NULL
AND calendar_events.`until` IS NULL )
OR ( calendar_events.`freq` = 'SELECT_DATES' ) )
AND ( calendar_events.`startdate` <= '2018-10-31 23:59:59'
OR calendar_events.`freq` = 'SELECT_DATES' )
AND ( `elements_sites`.`siteid` = '1' )
AND ( `calendar_events`.`id` <> 9761 )
AND ( `content`.`siteid` = '1' )
AND ( `elements`.`archived` = false )
AND ( `elements`.`enabled` = true )
AND ( `elements_sites`.`enabled` = true )
ORDER BY Least(Datediff(`calendar_events`.`enddate`,
Datediff(`calendar_events`.`enddate`, Now())),
`content`.`field_feature` DESC,
`title`) `subquery`
INNER JOIN `craft_calendar_events` `calendar_events`
ON `calendar_events`.`id` = `subquery`.`elementsid`
INNER JOIN `craft_elements` `elements`
ON `elements`.`id` = `subquery`.`elementsid`
INNER JOIN `craft_elements_sites` `elements_sites`
ON `elements_sites`.`id` = `subquery`.`elementssitesid`
INNER JOIN `craft_content` `content`
ON `content`.`id` = `subquery`.`contentid`
INNER JOIN `craft_calendar_calendars`
ON `craft_calendar_calendars`.`id` = calendar_events.`calendarid`
INNER JOIN `craft_users`
ON `craft_users`.`id` = calendar_events.`authorid`
ORDER BY Least(Datediff(`calendar_events`.`enddate`,
Datediff(`calendar_events`.`enddate`, Now())),
`content`.`field_feature` DESC,
However, something must then be happening between the database returning results (in the right order) and the result being returned in my line of PHP code and stored as $events
, because in $events
they're in a totally different order.
What's happening here? How can I avoid whatever ordering rules are being applied by Craft or Solspace Calendar after my custom ones?