I created a custom FieldType that gathers data from 2 different Models. I was able to successfully display it as a Drop Down. My problem now is that there are tooo many records on my array and I would like to have a search instead similar to what craft already has implemented on the Tags Field.
My current template is:
{%- set class = [
(class is defined ? class : null)
]|filter|join(' ') %}
{% set selectedValue = (value is defined ? value : null) %}
<div class="{{ class }}">
<select {%- if name is defined %} name="{{ name }}"{% endif %}>
{% if value is not null %}
{% set selectedValue = value.id %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<option value="0" > </option>
{% endif %}
{% for test in tests %}
{% set optionValue = test.id %}
<option value="{{test.id}}" {% if optionValue == selectedValue %} selected{% endif %}>Test - {{ test.name }}: {{ test.price }}</option>
{% endfor %}
Any way I can make it similar to the craft/app/templates/_components/fieldtypes/Tags/input.html