I have been trying to get my head wrapped around Migrations in Craft 3 and find myself struggling with added a new section.

I have managed to add a new volume, but not a section. Here’s where I have got to so far…


namespace craft\contentmigrations;

use Craft;
use craft\db\Migration;

 * m180428_195138_test migration.
class m180428_195138_test extends Migration
     * @inheritdoc
    public function safeUp()

      if (is_null(Craft::$app->volumes->getVolumeByHandle("newvolume"))) {
        $volume = new \craft\volumes\Local([
          "name" => "New volume",
          "handle" => "newvolume",
          "hasUrls" => true,
          "url" => "@web/images/newvolume",
          "path" => "@webroot/images/newvolume"


      if (is_null(Craft::$app->sections->getSectionByHandle("awesomeNews"))) {
        $section = new \craft\models\Section([
          'name' => 'Awesome News',
          'handle' => 'awesomeNews',
          'type' => 'Channel',
          'siteSettings' => [
              new \craft\models\Section_SiteSettings([
                  'siteId' => Craft::$app->sites->getPrimarySite()->id,
                  'enabledByDefault' => true,
                  'hasUrls' => true,
                  'uriFormat' => 'foo/{slug}',
                  'template' => 'foo/_entry',
        ], true);




     * @inheritdoc
    public function safeDown()

      $newvolume = Craft::$app->volumes->getVolumeByHandle("newvolume");
      if (!is_null($newvolume)) {

      $awesomeNews = Craft::$app->sections->getSectionByHandle("awesomeNews");
      if (!is_null($awesomeNews)) {


The migration states it has been successful, however, I only see the new volume, not the section. I have tried to execute this with only the block relating to the section.

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a new section with Migrations? If it is, any idea what may be wrong with the above?

2 Answers 2


The easiest solution for this by far is to just run the $model->getErrors() function in order to see what's wrong.. Then you'll see the following:

"Type is invalid."

Take a look at your Section model

const TYPE_CHANNEL = 'channel';


'type' => 'Channel',


'type' => 'channel',

or even better

'type' => Section::TYPE_CHANNEL,

Also: every save function returns a variable of type boolean if it was successful or not. You should always check for those values.

  • Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. The incorrect case for channel was an artefact of trying a hundred different ways to get this to work, however, it was this and another error causing the issue. The tip about $model->getErrors() is really useful. Using 'type' => Section::TYPE_CHANNEL, work a treat. Thanks Commented Apr 29, 2018 at 6:59

As documentation for Migrations is pretty slim, here is the working code:


namespace craft\contentmigrations;

use Craft;
use craft\db\Migration;

 * m180428_195138_test migration.
class m180428_195138_test extends Migration
     * @inheritdoc
    public function safeUp()

      if (is_null(Craft::$app->volumes->getVolumeByHandle("newvolume"))) {
        $volume = new \craft\volumes\Local([
          "name" => "New volume",
          "handle" => "newvolume",
          "hasUrls" => true,
          "url" => "@web/images/newvolume",
          "path" => "@webroot/images/newvolume"

        $success = Craft::$app->volumes->saveVolume($volume);


      if (is_null(Craft::$app->sections->getSectionByHandle("awesomeNews"))) {
        $section = new \craft\models\Section([
          "name" => "Awesome News",
          "handle" => "awesomeNews",
          "type" => \craft\models\Section::TYPE_CHANNEL,
          "siteSettings" => [
              new \craft\models\Section_SiteSettings([
                  "siteId" => Craft::$app->sites->getPrimarySite()->id,
                  "enabledByDefault" => true,
                  "hasUrls" => true,
                  "uriFormat" => "foo/{slug}",
                  "template" => "foo/_entry",

        $success = Craft::$app->sections->saveSection($section);

        $errors = $section->getErrors();
        foreach ($errors as $error) {
          echo $error[0];


      return $success;


     * @inheritdoc
    public function safeDown()

      $newvolume = Craft::$app->volumes->getVolumeByHandle("newvolume");
      if (!is_null($newvolume)) {
        $success = Craft::$app->volumes->deleteVolumeById($newvolume->id);

      $awesomeNews = Craft::$app->sections->getSectionByHandle("awesomeNews");
      if (!is_null($awesomeNews)) {
        $success = Craft::$app->sections->deleteSectionById($awesomeNews->id);

      return $success;



This includes the error checking when creating the new section and the save functions are assigned to a variable which are returned at the end.


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