I was trying to follow this example from stack overflow to loop through a list of entries and output them by a custom dropdown field
{% set allEntries = craft.entries.section('resource').find() %}
{% set allEntriesByCat = allEntries|group('entry.resourceType') %}
{% for cat, entriesInCat in allEntriesByCat %}
{% for entry in entriesInCat %}
<article class="resource">
<h3 class="resource__name"><a class="resource__link" href="{{entry.resourceLink}}">{{entry.title}}</a></h3>
<div class="resource__content">{{entry.resourceContent}}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
But if I do that, I get the error: Internal Server Error
Craft\EntryModel and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "entry".