I'm working with the ADLDAP plugin in order to provide frontend authentication against my organizations Active Directory. The problem is that I continually receive the message "Can't bind to LDAP server!" after attempting to log in.
I tested the LDAP connection first on Windows Server 2016, by using the built in LDP.exe utility, and that test proved successful.
Next, I constructed a pure PHP page, and the LDAP binding was successful.
Here is that code:
// using ldap bind
$ldaprdn = '*****'; // ldap rdn or dn
$ldappass = '*****'; // associated password
// connect to ldap server
$ldapconn = ldap_connect("***.***.***.***")
or die("Could not connect to LDAP server.");
if ($ldapconn) {
// binding to ldap server
$ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $ldaprdn, $ldappass);
// verify binding
if ($ldapbind) {
echo "LDAP bind successful...";
} else {
echo "LDAP bind failed...";
In Craft, I carefully followed the installation instructions, per the page: https://github.com/thepitagroup/adldap_craftcms as well as the changes introduced in the thread: https://github.com/thepitagroup/adldap_craftcms/issues/1. These changes were helpful and got me a little further along, but now, I'm stuck with the error message: "Can't bind to LDAP server!" The url remains on the 'login' page.
Is there a way to find more detail as to the cause of the error?
Thanks for any help.