SEOMatic automatically adds the siteName after your title tag, which seems smart, but I don't think it's necessary for social sharing. Is it possible to tweak the og:title and twitter:title tag output in SEOmatic to remove the siteName?
My current seomaticMeta array looks like this:
{% set seomaticMeta = {
seoTitle: entry.title,
seoDescription: entry.shortDescription,
seoImage: entry.thumbnailImage.first(),
seoKeywords: '',
canonicalUrl: entry.url,
twitter: {
card: seomaticMeta.twitter.card,
creator: seomaticMeta.twitter.creator,
title: entry.title,
description: entry.shortDescription,
image: entry.thumbnailImage.first(),
og: {
type: seomaticMeta.og.type,
locale: seomaticMeta.og.locale,
url: entry.url,
title: entry.title,
description: entry.shortDescription,
image: entry.thumbnailImage.first(),
site_name: seomaticMeta.og.site_name,
see_also: seomaticMeta.og.see_also
} %}
However, the entry.title tag returns the title with the siteName appended.
{% set seomaticSiteMeta = seomaticSiteMeta | merge({'siteSeoTitlePlacement': 'none'}) %}