I've created two global variables which my content creator is going to use to turn off a bunch of articles and turn on a bunch more which a slight change in the Global. I have a page where there is a limit of 5 of these articles.
{% set entries = craft.entries.section('news').order('articleOrder desc').limit(5).find() %}
{% for entry in entries if entry.currentYear2 == currentEdition.currentYear2 and currentEdition.currentMonth2 in entry.currentMonth2 %}
<h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>
{% endfor %}
The problem with this is that the conditional only gets 5 entries to compare, and not the entire bunch. I want to first run an if statement on all the entries, then let me do a for loop with a .limit(5). I am not sure how to go about this. A conditional combined with a for loop in the same statement did not work either.