If I have a site that will eventually have thousands of product images on it, would using image transforms slow things down?
2 Answers
Nope. Once a transform has been generated once, Craft remembers that, and saves it right in your asset source. Future page loads will get a direct URL to that generated image, so it gets loaded via your webserver (or S3, etc.) directly. No PHP involved.
Then you’ll start getting 404s on that image, since Craft won’t be aware that the file doesn’t exist anymore. You can always clear your craft_assettransformindex table though, which is where Craft stores its records of all generated transforms. Commented Jun 15, 2014 at 3:46
Sorry I deleted that comment because I thought Brad made the race.. But then your very satisfying answer popped up :)– carlcsCommented Jun 15, 2014 at 3:54
I just thought of something- what if Google PageSpeed has grabbed the images after the first time and is now serving them?– cmcjaneCommented Jun 16, 2014 at 12:46
For all practical purposes, no. The performance hit for images transforms happens the first time the transform is requested and generated. After that, the images are served as a normal file that your web server can serve up as quickly as any other file.
In what context? The transformed image? The source image?– Brad Bell ♦Commented Jun 15, 2014 at 3:42
The transformed image is missing, does this trigger another transform? If yes, is there any script that initializes this and doesn't that take performance?– carlcsCommented Jun 15, 2014 at 3:49